What does one do the night before leaving on a 40+ day road trip? If sleep was your answer you are completely wrong and if your answer was dreaming about the national parks then you are also wrong because, well, they are closed (thank you gov't). The excitement is unexplainable. Our camper whom we have named "Rhonda" and our 2011 FJ Cruiser whom we have named "Frankie J" are a match made in heaven and after packing up all day we are just ready to hit the road. Our friends Frankie J and Rhonda are patiently sitting outside the house taunting us like a piece of candy stuck at the bottom of an endless jar. There is no real reason to explain why we are excited because I think the answer is fairly, if not blatantly obvious. We have heard it a thousand times, "If you don't do a trip like this now then you NEVER will." So, thank you friends and family for the encouragement because we're doing this trip...right now. Planning on an 8: 30 am departure time so stay tuned for some pictures and posts coming to you tomorrow night outlining the first leg of the trip to the upper peninsula of the mitten state.
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